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May have been the last sail of the season

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 6:02 am
by 2nd generation
The weather in Michigan was beautiful last weekend. Sunny and 80 degrees. Not alot of wind but weather like that on October 9th means boating. My wife, two of the boys and our neighbor headed out to Lake Michigan past the swinging railroad bridge built in 1904 and still being used. Between the piers past the lighthouse.



The main sail may not have been all the way up but when your 12 year old wants to hoist the main by himself you let him.

The 9 year old took his turn at the tiller.


Sailed until the wind died then motored in. The boat is still in the water hoping for one more nice day.

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 6:44 am
by CaptainScott
Hey Mike! THAT is very cool!
I love getting the younger ones to take the helm and help with the lines! NICE!!

About your spinnaker in your avatar,
How do you have that rigged? Are you running a pole? how do you have the tack of the sail secured?


Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 12:30 pm
by 2nd generation
It is a drifter that is flying in my avatar. My dad ordered it from Hood sails back in the 70's for his C22. I think today it may be called an asymetrical spinnaker. It was in his attic next to the spinnaker you have now. There is a short line that I cleat off to one of the bow cleats. Then hoist it with the jib halyard and fly it like a jib without a pole it's much easier that way.

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 1:47 pm
by CaptainScott
Ah OK, that is the same as what is on Destiny.

I'm going to try and fly the regular spinnaker similar!

