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A story about a boat. PHOTOS ADDED

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 9:12 am
by CaptainScott
Stories? Alan wants me to tell stories?

Well, OK, then . . .
Here it goes.

It was a dark, cold, rainy Friday morning. Captain Scott was at his real job. You know, the one that actually pays for the sailing habit. In a fit of shear bordom and against all recommendations from his bride, the lowly Captain was surfing Craigs List. Hmm, . . . no, . . . . not that . . ., cool but no thanks . . . . ., hey, wait a minute, what's this . . . a posting that was submitted just moments before . . . . hey, the posting is wrong. That's not a 21'er, its a . . . Yes . . it . . . is! By golly a Chrysler 22!
Not thinking beyond the moment and acting out of pure instinct, our fearless Captain shot of an email requesting more information . . . . . . In moments the email was returned with a company name and a phone number. No other data was provided. Hmm. with a response like that and pouring rain, she'll never sell. Suddenly the Captain realized his hands had already dialed the number and were litterally holding the phone to his ear! "Why, I guess I'd better stay on the line", he thinks to himself . . . . Ring . . . .Ring . . . . hey, maybe no one will answer and the Captain will not have to yet again explain to his bride this strange addiction . . .That was not the case.

The lady answerd in an unusually friendly voice and suddenly the Captain was bonding with her. Jokes were shared, data was shared, the boat's still for sale . . . . . yes, the manager will be in Saturday morning .. . not road worthy . . . . .if you'll come in at 10:00 sharp . . . . Yikes . . . Saturdays forcast was for heavy downpour of rain. The weather man was not going to dissapoint this time either. So thinking of his bride, aware that he already has to many boats, the Captain replied with "Sure! I'll be there!". Does this man not learn?

Later that Friday evening found Captain Scott loading his truck with no less than, spare tire, temporary lights, floor jack, jack stands, impact wrench, extension cords, breaker bar, impact sockets, tie downs and bungies . . . . . .a man on a mission would not adequately describe the odd scene. The phone, yes, the phone . . . where's Alans number . . . . like an adict looking for verification of his habits . . Captain Scott was dialing is trusted friend . . . .

SA ( Sailors anonymous ) is for quiters.

Alan would understand . . . . and sure enough . . . without hesitation . . . . Alan ( AlanHod by some ) was at the Captains side . . Sure . . .Yes . .. . . GREAT IDEA! . . . . you bet! 8:30 Sharp . . . . tomorrow . . . . I'll be ready . . .

After a quick shower Saturday morning the Captain was off. Fresh coffee and a GPS assisted the Captain to his first destination. Alan was out the door in a flash bringing with him a few missing items, flashlight, tire pump, etc. Clearly his addiction also ran deep. The dynamic duo arrived early only to back track for fast food and time killing exercises. Chatter consisted from parking habits of patrons of the restaraunt to how perfect the pouring rain was for a boat buyer . . . . the clock clicked and they were off again. The boat was easily found . . . . grins filled two faces . . . . hey . . . not bad . . . . and here comes the owner . . . . .
An hour was spent walking the deck, checking the rigging, going over the interior and even crawling under her for keel pin inspection all in the pouring rain. Everyone was soaked. He who speaks first looses . . . . the owner asked, so what do you think . . .

let the sparing begin . . . .

the captain being very capable at wielding the sword . . . . . finally came to an offering price . . . .eyeing both the seller and Alan the Captain speaks his offer . . . it was only a flash . . . recovery was almost instant . . . ALMOST unnoticable . . . but it was there . . . . Alan about choked . . . the Captain smiled to himself inside awaiting the owners response . . .he was good . . . the owner . . . however his sword dulled by the cold and rain . . . it was visible . . . the Captain knew it and did not flinch . . . he waited . . .more chatter was had . . . . finally the seller . . . spoke a counter offer . . . moments later an agreement was had .. . the boat, trailer, and 12.9 electric start original Chrysler motor must be moved today.

The sparing was over and swords sheathed . . . . the seller left and was back in moments with a fork lift only to find the Captain and Alan readying the boat for transport . . . . bad tire removed and off to Firestone for a rubber swap . . . .and back again . . . it took only moments for the Captain and Alan to have her road ready with lights, new shoes, and hooked up to the tow rig . . . all in the pouring rain . . . . the Captain went to the sellers office to finish the deal, sign the papers, and offer up greenbacks while Alan readied the mast with tie downs and bungies . . . the owner was amazed when he offered to get the fork lift again only to find the boat was at his office, ready to roll. He appreciated it was to be gone in moments! He needed the space. With ninja likel stealthness Alan guided the Captain home avoiding all freeways and major roads . . . . all the while the Captain pondering how to explain this latest move to his bride . . .. As the Captain arrived him with Alan at his side he saw no less than his bride had already made room at home for a possible new family member by moving the daily drivers out of the way! The Captains heart grew three times that day in fondness for his loved best friend, solemate, and bride of almost 20 years!

Specific details intentionally left out.

This story is non fiction.


Remember, these photos are AFTER Alan and I straightened her up for road travel! LOL!


I think those are where Shreks ears came from!

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 9:25 am
by John K
Ha ha ha! My wife would kill me. :shock:

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 10:10 am
by Paul
Well told, and now I anticipate the happily ever after.

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 12:01 pm
by mariner

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 12:06 pm
by Bhacurly

Ya! PHOTO's!!

Congrats on saving another C-22!

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 12:49 pm
by Alanhod
Hi All,

Here's my $0.02 to add to the story.

It was a glorious thing to behold, the Captain, my captain, wheeled and dealed on a retched old hulk of a boat and it's trailer sitting on a flat tire. Said he "liked the trailer but the boat, hmmm, not so good on the boat, stuff missing, motor is REAL OLD, bet it won't run." The Captain says to the owner.

The poor boat had 10 years of crud growing on it. The tarp that once covered it had rotted away. This was one of those plastic brown tarps, you know like the blue tarps we get now at the Big Box hardware store. Ropes holding the remnants of the now disintegrated tarp crumbled in my hand.

(The fiberglass, the hull were in much better shape then my C-22 and my fiberglass and hull are in really good shape on my boat.)

Oh man the deck and hull were ROCK solid, no sponginess anywhere to be found. It needed cleaning like nobody's business. Have you ever see the animated movie Shrek? Well remember Shrek's green tube like funnel ears? There were little tiny green things that looked just like it growing on these rotted tarp tie down ropes, I mean just like them but 1 inch tall!

"The tires on the trailer are shot and I will have to buy a new one right now to get it her out of here today. You must give me that off the price!) the Captain says with a look of true concern on his face to the owner. The owner agrees, "Yea, they are bad." My Captain scores another hit with that broadside, but the owner, he's a crafty one, and counters with a "That hull will polish up nice." A good clean shot across our bows.

The Captain counters with another devastating broadside to the price. "I want the trailer, I can't tell what the hull will be like, till it's cleaned off of all that crud. Further I will have to pay my Crew, (Captain Scott's daughter) $10/hr to pressure was it and if it's in bad shape then I'll have to pay to cut it up with a chain saw and pay to have it dumped."

It was nearly more then my heart could stand, CUT UP A Chrysler C-22! I composed myself, and tell myself. "Self, shut up, don't show concern, oh dang too late the Captain saw the look on my face, did the owner see my face? No, he was looking away out the window at the lake view, thank God!" It was time for me to sing a ditty in my head and not listen any more to the dealings, as I clearly have no poker face for this negotiation. It's too close to home if I screw this up and he does not buy the boat.

The song in my head... "I'm Henry the the 8th I am, Henry the 8th I am, I am..." in my best inner voice British accent. (Herman's Hermits, big hit in the 1960's, but very silly.)

Then it was over, they had struck a deal, the Captain, my captain was fishing Doubloons out of the strong box, and starting the paperwork!

Ah, it's over, the battle is won and the owner is lowering his colors in defeat. And the Captain gives orders to take possession of the prize. Boarding party away and I'm off to make the rig road worthy.

Finally I could smile, the smile you all know so well. Another Chrysler has been saved for future generations to come. Hmmm, wonder if the Captain would give me a shot at fixing that Chrysler 12.9 HP outboard with the electric start and generator. I've never seen inside one of those before. I bet I could get that running once I played with it for an hour or two. Sweet!

The old flat see through tire that was on the trailer was re-tired in due course. Pun intended. (You knew I would get a pun in here somewhere.) :lol:

The journey home was un-eventful. Well except that part where I left the trailer electric cables a smidge to tight from the trailer to the tow vehicle and the plug came unplugged on a turn. Captain Scott was kind, he didn't rig the grating for 12 lashes with the with the cat, for my dereliction of duty. He didn't even cut my grog or victuals. In fact he offered to buy lunch several times on the way home.

All in all it was a awful, horrible, raining, down pouring kind of glorious, wonderfully, fun and rewarding day. You'd think I purchased the boat for myself, instead of the Captain buying it.

I remain sincerely yours,
a.k.a alanhod
Captain of the Honu
Sometime crew to The Captain, my captain, Scott

Hey Captain Scott, did you see that C-26 for sail on Craig's list that sent to you in e-mail? I'm ready to go if your buying... Hope hope, wonder, wonder...? :lol: The fourth Chrysler is the charm I hear. MarioG owns a C-26 and a C-22. Then there is Chrysler20%26, he owns several Chrysler's, and EE has many many boats in addition to his Chrysler C-26. I'm just say'en. :wink:

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 12:55 pm
by TravisJ
What does one do with 3 of the same model boats?

If you're interested here's a few more currently for sale in Texas, lol:

This one is listed as a Catalina 22, but sure looks like a Chrysler to me:

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:21 pm
by CaptainScott
LOL! Nice addition Alan!

I did not mention the sacrilege comments I made about cutting her up! LOL! They were highly affective . . . . . ;)

I have seen the C26 and it was up for sale a month ago at a much higher price. Unfortuantely she is a pretty boat so you will pay a premium for her.

Also Alan, if 4 Chryslers is the magic number than this one is it! Remember I had a Chrysler Dagger MANY moons ago!

Pictures to follow soon!


Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:27 pm
by tgentry
Right place, right time... or is that wrong place, wrong time. I just don't see Cap'n Scott having any more time for his beloved car than I have for mine.

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:33 pm
by Alanhod
Oh, dang, that is your fourth Chrysler Sailboat...

Well I only have one so that leaves room for 3 more for me. Lets See a C-26 and a Ticon 30, hmmm what should the 4th one be, ah yeas a C-22 fixed keel would round out the set nicely. :lol:


As for the withdrawal, it was bad. All I had was Scott, Bill and Greg's phone numbers. I had maybe 5 others e-mail address'. It was cold, real cold without the Chrysler forum, so much knowledge, so many stories, the lost photos. It was all so much to bare with so few Chrysler Sailors left to me. :cry:

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 5:06 pm
by Capt. Bondo
Great story, love the sailboat death by chainsaw gambit!
Let me know if you have questions about that Sailor 280, I have gotten to know mine quite well :wink:

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 5:31 pm
by EmergencyExit
Reminding all that I am in a 12 step program for my boat addiction..

the redhead says "you go within 12 steps of another boat and I will roll you up in the bedsheets in your sleep one night and beat you with a broom"

Interestingly enough I got an email from the son of the long ago owner of the old Rhodes Bantam who confirmed for me that his dad sailed the old girl in the Nationals back in the mid 60's !

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 6:14 pm
by astrorad
wonderful story...exciting, humorous, exhibiting the weaknesses and foibles of the sailing breed. My better half also thought that I had completely taken leave of my senses when I told her that we were driving 128 miles in February snow to get our "22". "Where are you gonna put her", she asked as I disappeared out to the driveway to shovel snow banks away so I could move the travel trailer over. She didn't find out for a few weeks that I had crunched the rooftop ladder on the trailer while moving it. Another $100 and a few hours repair work for me to do.

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 5:17 am
by Beady
Great story. Glad to see that I am not the only one who looks over CL on a daily basis. Enjoy!

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 5:50 am
by EmergencyExit
Nice pics, love the name too. Not only do you have an electric start outboard, it has remotes too.

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 3:01 pm
by thepartydog
I hate to nitpick a good story, but you misspelled Commodore.

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 5:42 pm
by mariner
All I can add is .. that I like ForPlay!

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 5:51 pm
by lecker68
Unfortunately I am in the same 12 step program as EE if I get within 12 steps my health may be in danger until I retire.

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 6:34 pm
by Jmckamey
She's a beaut . Like Ronny said " well, there you go again". :lol:

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 3:02 am
by sharps4590
Precisely why I DO NOT browse Craigslist or evilbay or any place else there are A) sail boats for sale, B) vintage British sports cars for sale, C)old firearms for sale and last but not least, D) bamboo fly rods for sale!!!! Rolled up in sheets and beat with a broom would be the least of my punishment!

Great story guys...and I hope that old C-22 cleans up fine for you. It looks as if it should. Glad ya got her.

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:27 am
by CaptainScott
OK my daughter being desparate for money becomes quite the little worker!

For 10 bucks an hour my daughter completely scrubbed the interior of ForPlay.
We stripped her clean of all interior stuff. All the way down to the wooden boards covering the sette holes! All the junk the previous owner left aboard has been removed. My daughter then wiped the entire interior down with cleaning solutions! My favorite is Mr Clean and bleach. This combo does not create chlorine gas. The bleach kills any and everything alive and the Mr Clean give the boat a nice freshly clensed smell!

While she worked the interior, I stripped ForPlay of all the running rigging. It was so old a simple slice with the knife would separate the sheets. Yikes! All the lines went to the garbage! I also cleaned the cokpit and topsides better.

Lastly we moved her alongside of our house for easy access but longer term storage.

I have to admit, I expeced to go below and .. . . well, you know . . . . "assist" my daughter in final cleanup. OMG! The young lady literally scrubbed all the stains and markings off the glass! The interior looks GREAT! She did at least as good a job as I would have! Love that girl!! ( yes I told her I was proud of her efforts! )

Unfortuantey I did not get time to try the outboard but I did find the original tiller handle for the outboard and also an original "Chrysler fuel tote"! Also aboard were 4 decent fenders and a brand new battery box!

Alan being the fantastic guy he is managed to find a mainsail for me within a few days of me getting the boat so I managed to snag that!

The only hard to find items I need now are a decent jib or genny and a boom! Everything else is a simple matter of budget! LOL!

Further studies of the boat find her hull in very nice condition! Standing rigging looks complete except for the standard missing pins, keeper rings, and 3" pin for stepping the mast.

This ole' girl will receive a whole knew chance in life! I suspect if Alan and I had not rescued her she was at extreme risk!


Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:42 am
by tgentry
Scott, you really have an eye for diamonds in the rough. Good on you for rescueing her from the landfill.