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"Thingy" near the keel pin

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 6:44 am
by Sailfrog
Back in 2005 someone posted a question in another forum/website that asked what that "thingy" just above and aft of the keel pin was for. They were directed to ask the question in this forum since no one there seemed to know. But, I can't find the question/answer here in the archives either. So, I'm gonna ask the question again since I need the same information.

In the locker under my forward table bench are two galvanized pipe nipples with standard pipe caps on them. One is, of course, the keel pin access. Just aft and several inches above it is another pipe nipple and cap. Both are rusted pretty badly and will need lots of penetrating oil and a large pipe wrench to get them off and before I go to that trouble I'd like to know what is behind there. They said there was a plastic rod in the pipe.

Does anyone know what it's for and what's in there?


Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 7:45 am
by DenaP
I believe it is a keel lockdown apparatus, which can be used to keep the keel from banging in rough weather. The one on my C22 is rusted shut, which is fine because I don't plan on using it.

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 7:54 am
by EmergencyExit

"Thingy" near the keel pin

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 9:35 am
by Sailfrog
Thanks for the quick response. Mine isn't NEARLY as rusted as some of the pics, but my boat has been a "trailer queen" all it's life, and sailed only in fresh water. (We have lots of that here in the Great Lakes region.)

I'll pull it apart now that I have an idea what it's for and will post pic's here wen it happens. Someone else might have an urge to know someday.
